Save & View Loot
Sliver has a loot
command which can store files and credentials on the server-side. The files are stored in the /root/.sliver/loot/files
directory, and credentials are stored in the /root/.sliver/loot/credentials
directory. The information is stored on the server so all operators have access to it.
loot [flags]
-f, --filter string filter based on loot type
-h, --help display help
-t, --timeout int command timeout in seconds (default: 60)
Sub Commands:
creds Add credentials to the server's loot store
fetch Fetch a piece of loot from the server's loot store
local Add a local file to the server's loot store
remote Add a remote file from the current session to the server's loot store
rename Re-name a piece of existing loot
rm Remove a piece of loot from the server's loot store
To view the loot
that is stored, use the loot
sliver (linsession) > loot
Type Name File Name UUID
==== ==== ========= ====
File [execute] SharpUp on WinLaptop (20241005192226) execute_WinLaptop_SharpUp_20241005192226.log dc11a9ec-69cf-4781-997b-33881ecfc13e
File [execute] enum4linux on kali-nucbox5 (20241006152251) execute_kali-nucbox5_enum4linux_20241006152251.log 65aeea43-8372-49a4-a8f1-3fd60407964c
sliver (linsession) >
To view the contents of the loot
, you can run the loot fetch
command, which presents a list of all files. Use the arrow keys to select the proper file.
sliver (linsession) > loot fetch
? Select a piece of loot: [execute] enum4linux on kali-nucbox5 (20241006152251) execute_kali-nucbox5_enum4linux_20241006152251.log LOOT_FILE 65aeea43-8372-49a4-a8f1-3fd60407964c
File Name: execute_kali-nucbox5_enum4linux_20241006152251.log
Output (stdout):
Starting enum4linux v0.9.1 ( ) on Sun Oct 6 11:22:31 2024
=========================================( Target Information )=========================================
Target ........... localhost
RID Range ........ 500-550,1000-1050
Username ......... ''
Password ......... ''
Known Usernames .. administrator, guest, krbtgt, domain admins, root, bin, none
To add some loot
, you can save the output from commands there. In this case, we use the -X
flag to save the output of the command in the loot section.
sliver (linsession) > execute -o -X enum4linux -a localhost
[*] Successfully looted execute_kali-nucbox5_enum4linux_20241006160812.log ([execute] enum4linux on kali-nucbox5 (20241006160812)) (ID: 4798c785-d83f-46bf-9329-394ce9dcfa33)
[*] Output:
Starting enum4linux v0.9.1 ( ) on Sun Oct 6 12:07:51 2024
=========================================( Target Information )=========================================
Target ........... localhost
RID Range ........ 500-550,1000-1050
Username ......... ''
Password ......... ''
Known Usernames .. administrator, guest, krbtgt, domain admins, root, bin, none