📄️ Linux Implants
Generate a Linux Session Implant
📄️ Run a Linux Session
Deploy the Linux session implant to the target host, and run it:
📄️ Run a Linux Beacon
Deploy the Linux beacon implant to the target host, and run it:
📄️ Using the Execute Command
Start up the Linux session with the implant created earlier. Once the session contacts the server, be sure to use the session.
📄️ Save & View Loot
Sliver has a loot command which can store files and credentials on the server-side. The files are stored in the /root/.sliver/loot/files directory, and credentials are stored in the /root/.sliver/loot/credentials directory. The information is stored on the server so all operators have access to it.
📄️ Linux Summary
To perform this in a "real" environment will require significantly more advanced usage of Sliver with additonal tools to avoid detection. This is guide is meant to simply get familiar with the basics of Sliver!