var img = document.createElement('img'); img.src = "" + location.pathname; = "border:0"; img.alt = "tracker"; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(img,s);
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Drozer is an Android Security Assessment and Attack Framework. It consists of a client/server model where the ‘server’ runs on the Android device, and the client run on your laptop. Drozer was written in, and only runs on, Python2. Even though Python2 is now deprecated – and removed from macOS 12.3 and later – Drozer remains a very capable tool for interrogating an Android application.

The best way to run Drozer is using the official Docker image distributed by F-Secure. This allows us to use an older Python2 script on current systems.

Drozer Installation

Drozer Server

Download the pre-compiled APK file:

Install the APK to your test device:

adb install drozer-agent-2.3.4

Drozer Client

Install Docker on to your system if it is not already installed:

Once Docker is installed and running on your system, pull the latest Drozer container (if required):

docker pull fsecurelabs/drozer

To run the Drozer container:

docker run -it fsecurelabs/drozer

Once you have a shell for the container you can launch the drozer console:

drozer console connect --server [IP Address of Device]

If you just need to run a single command – using the -c flag:

drozer console connect --server [IP Address of Device] -c [command]


drozer console connect --server -c “run -a”

Drozer Commands

The first thing is to connect to the Drozer console:

drozer console connect --server

The target package name will be needed for almost every command, so if you don’t already have it, you can query Drozer for it. This example looks for a package ID with ‘example’ in it:

dz> run app.package.list -f example
com.example.gx.go (example)

The response will show you the package name (highlighted above). This will be used in the following commands as ${PKGID}.

Get Package Information

dz> run -a ${PKGID}

Show Package AndroidManifest.xml file

dz> run app.package.manifest ${PKGID}

Get Application Attack Surface

dz> run app.package.attacksurface ${PKGID}

List Exported Activities

dz> run -a ${PKGID}

List Broadcast Receivers

dz> run -a ${PKGID}

List Content Providers

dz> run -a ${PKGID}

List Services

dz> run -a ${PKGID}

List URIs That Can Be Queried

dz> run scanner.provider.finduris -a ${PKGID}

List Web URLs

dz> run scanner.misc.weburls -a ${PKGID}

List Invocable URIs

dz> run scanner.activity.browsable -a ${PKGID}

Check SQL Injection

dz> run scanner.provider.injection -a ${PKGID}

Check Local File Inclusion (LFI)

dz> run scanner.provider.traversal -a ${PKGID}

WebView JavaScript Bridge Check

dz> run scanner.misc.checkjavascriptbridge -v -a ${PKGID}

Native Libraries Check

dz> run scanner.misc.native -v -a ${PKGID}

List Readable Files

dz> run scanner.misc.readablefiles /data/data/${PKGID}/ -p

List Writable Files

dz> run scanner.misc.writablefiles /data/data/${PKGID}/ -p

List SUID/GUID Files

dz> run scanner.misc.sflagbinaries -t /data/data/${PKGID}

Package Debuggable Check

dz> run app.package.debuggable -f ${PKGID}

Package Backup API Check

dz> run app.package.backup -f ${PKGID}

Start an Activity

dz> run app.activity.start –component ${PKGID} [Activity Name]

Interact with a Service

dz> run app.service.send ${PKGID} [Service Name] --msg [msg to service]
