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Swift / SwiftUI

Swift is a powerful and intuitive programming language for iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS. SwiftUI, a framework introduced by Apple, provides a declarative Swift API for designing user interfaces. Below are examples to demonstrate classes, structures, functions, methods in Swift, and a simple UI component in SwiftUI.

Swift Code Samples

Defining a Class:

import Foundation

class MyClass {
var name: String

init(name: String) { = name

func printGreeting() {
print("Hello, \(name)!")

class func classMethodExample() {
print("This is a class method.")

Creating and Using an Object:

//Continued from class above:

let myObject = MyClass(name: "World")

//Structures in Swift are similar to classes but are value types and do not support //inheritance.

struct MyStruct {
var name: String

func printGreeting() {
print("Hello, \(name)!")

let myStruct = MyStruct(name: "Swift")


Protocols define a blueprint of methods, properties, and other requirements.

protocol MyProtocol {
func requiredMethod()

extension MyClass: MyProtocol {
func requiredMethod() {
print("Implementing protocol method.")

SwiftUI Example:

SwiftUI allows you to create user interfaces in a declarative way. Here's a simple SwiftUI view that displays a greeting message.

import SwiftUI

//The user interface is a View Structure:
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
Text("Hello, SwiftUI!")

//View previews are not necessary. It allows you to see the UI without compiling
//These are for Xcode only and do not make it into the final build of the project
struct ContentView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {

To run this SwiftUI example, you need to have a project set up in Xcode with SwiftUI as the user interface option. This code defines a basic view that displays a text greeting. SwiftUI views describe their content and layout, and the framework handles the rendering.

Swift and SwiftUI offer modern, safe, and powerful options for developing applications across all Apple platforms. While Swift provides the language foundation, SwiftUI offers a set of tools and APIs for building user interfaces with less code and greater clarity. It is not uncommon to see both Objective-C & Swift/SwiftUI working together in an application or the iOS operating environment itself. Swift includes an "Objective-C Bridge" to allow code from both languages to work together. Slowly, Apple is migrating their code to Swift but full conversion will take a lot of time.

Demangling Classes and Methods

Name mangling in Swift, as in many programming languages, is a process used to encode additional information into the names of classes, methods, and other symbols when they are compiled to a binary. This is done to solve several problems and provide important benefits:

  • Namespace Management:
    • Swift supports namespaces and modules, and name mangling helps to distinguish between different entities that may have the same name but exist in different namespaces or modules.
  • Function Overloading:
    • Swift allows function overloading, where multiple functions can have the same name but different parameter types or numbers. Name mangling encodes this additional information (such as parameter types) into the function name to distinguish between the overloaded functions in the binary.
  • Interoperability:
    • When Swift code interacts with other languages (like C or Objective-C), name mangling ensures that Swift symbols are uniquely identified. This is crucial for the linker to correctly resolve symbol references between languages.
  • Linkage and Symbol Resolution:
    • In large projects, multiple modules and libraries might define symbols with the same name. Name mangling ensures that each symbol is unique in the binary, preventing conflicts and ensuring correct linkage.
  • Runtime Type Information:
    • Swift provides rich runtime type information for features like reflection, dynamic casting, and type-checking. Name mangling helps encode type information into symbol names, making this information available at runtime.

For example, consider a Swift function:

func add(_ a: Int, _ b: Int) -> Int {
return a + b

When compiled, the function name might be mangled to include information about the function's module, parameter types, and return type. The mangled name might look something like:


Here, the mangled name encodes various pieces of information, ensuring that the symbol is uniquely identifiable and providing the necessary metadata for the Swift runtime and linker.

Name mangling is an implementation detail that helps the Swift compiler and runtime manage symbols, ensure correctness, and provide the features developers expect.

The prefixes in the mangled names in Swift, such as __T and __$s, indicate different encoding schemes and contexts in which the symbols are used. The mangling schemes are part of Swift's internal representation and can provide insights into the type of entity and the context it belongs to. Here's a breakdown of what these prefixes generally signify:

  • __T Prefix:

    • This prefix was used in earlier versions of Swift for symbol mangling.
    • It generally encoded the name of a symbol, along with information about the module, type, and other attributes.
    • These mangled names were part of the Swift 2.x and earlier mangling schemes.
  • __$s Prefix:

    • This prefix is part of the new symbol mangling scheme introduced in Swift 3 and later versions.
    • It stands for "Swift standard symbol" and is used to mangle symbols in the Swift standard library.
    • This scheme is more efficient and compact than the previous one, aiming to reduce the length of mangled names while still encoding all necessary information.

The differences between these mangling schemes are primarily about improvements in encoding efficiency and clarity. The newer scheme (__$s) was introduced to streamline the encoding process, improve readability, and reduce the overall size of the mangled names.

For example:

  • A class named MyClass in module MyModule might have a mangled name like __$s8MyModule7MyClassC in the new scheme.
  • A function foo() in the same class might have a mangled name like __$s8MyModule7MyClassC3fooF.

The change from __T to __$s reflects the evolution of Swift's symbol mangling strategy to accommodate new language features and improve performance. The exact details of the mangling scheme are documented in Swift's ABI (Application Binary Interface) and can be quite complex, involving specific rules for encoding different types of symbols, generic parameters, extensions, etc.

Swift also uses several other prefixes in its name mangling scheme to encode different kinds of symbols and their contexts. Here are some additional common prefixes:

-   `_$s`:
- This is used for most Swift symbols. It stands for "Swift
standard symbol" and is the most common prefix you'll encounter.
- Example: `_$s4main4testyyF` (represents a function named `test`
in the `main` module).
- `_$S`:
- This prefix is used for symbols related to the Swift runtime and
standard library, often for special or internal functions and
- Example: `_$S7SwiftUI7BindingV` (represents a `Binding` in the
SwiftUI module).
- `_$T`:
- This prefix is used for type metadata symbols.
- Example: `_$TtGCs18_EmptyArrayStorage` (represents an empty
array storage type).
- `_$P`:
- This prefix is used for protocol symbols.
- Example: `_$Pss11StringProto_` (represents the
- `_$C`:
- This prefix is used for class symbols, especially for
Objective-C interop.
- Example: `_$CSo8NSObject` (represents the `NSObject` class from
- `_$X`:
- This prefix is used for extended types, such as those that have
been extended with additional methods or properties.
- Example: `_$``XFo_u_t_t__F` (represents an extended function
- `_$V`:
- This prefix is used for value types, like structs and enums.
- Example: `_$Vs12ArrayStorage` (represents an array storage type
as a value type).
- `_$W`:
- This prefix is used for witness tables, which are part of
Swift's protocol conformance mechanism.
- Example: `_$W6MyType8MyProto` (represents a witness table for
`MyType` conforming to `MyProto`).

These prefixes help to quickly identify the kind of symbol being referred to and its context, making the mangled names more meaningful and easier to parse by the Swift runtime and tools that need to work with these symbols. Swift provides tools and libraries to perform this demangling, the most common tool is the swift-demangle utility.

The image below shows the mangled symbols from the DVIA-v2 application. This shows the older Swift 2.x examples:

The image below shows the newer mangling scheme from the IOS Security Suite library:

Using swift-demangle

The swift-demangle tool is most likely not in your $PATH. You could search for it and add it to the $PATH, or you can just use the xcrun tool which will handle all of that for you.

To use the swift-demangle tool:

  • Open Terminal.

  • Run the tool with the mangled name as an argument:

xcrun swift-demangle`` ‘__T04main4testyyF’

  • This command will output:

main.test() -> ()

Consider a mangled symbol: _$s4main4testyyF:

  • Prefix: _$s
    • Indicates a Swift standard symbol.
  • Module: 4main
    • The module name is main.
  • Function: 4test
    • The function name is test.
  • Type Information: yyF
    • yy indicates the function takes no parameters.
    • F indicates it returns nothing (Void).

The demangled name would be main.test() -> ().

Swift mangling follows a specific grammar to encode various parts of a symbol:

  • Module Names: Encoded with their length (e.g., 4main for main).
  • Function/Method Names: Encoded similarly (e.g., 4test for test).
  • Types: Abbreviated (e.g., y for Void, i for Int).
  • Generics: Encoded with detailed generic parameter information.

By using the swift-demangle tool, you can easily decode mangled Swift symbols to understand their original, human-readable names. Of course, the above way to demangle is for one-off tasks. To demangle all of the names, you should use the Python script below. is a Python script for Ghidra. Once the Swift binary is loaded into Ghidra, you can run this script to demangle all classes and methods it finds in the binary. Much quicker to it this way, and once you save the Ghidra project, the names will always stay demangled.

To run the script:

  • In the Ghidra toolbar, select the "Display Script Manager" button (this is the green button with the white play arrow in it)

  • In the left sidebar, select Swift

  • In the right part of the window, highlight the script, and then press the Run Script button in the toolbar (this is the same icon: green with white play arrow in it)

  • The script will run, and start demangling the Swift names (if you have the Ghidra console open, you will see the status of the script)

  • Make sure to save the Ghidra project after demangling is complete so that it saves these changes

Memory Safety in Swift

  • Memory Management: Swift uses automatic memory management, which means it handles the allocation and deallocation of memory automatically. This reduces the chances of memory leaks and buffer overflows.

  • Type Safety and Type Inference: Swift is strongly typed and uses type inference to ensure that variables are always of a specific type, which helps prevent type mismatches that can lead to memory corruption.

  • Array and String Bounds Checking: In Swift, all arrays are bounds-checked. If you try to access an array with an index that is out of bounds, Swift will throw a runtime error and terminate the app. This prevents buffer overflows where data could be written or read outside the bounds of an array.

  • Optional Types: Swift introduces optional types, which must be unwrapped before they are used. This ensures that null pointer dereferences (common in languages like C) are explicitly handled, preventing certain types of crashes.

  • Automatic Reference Counting (ARC): Instead of manual memory management (like malloc and free in C) or garbage collection (like in Java), Swift uses ARC to automatically manage memory. This reduces the risk of heap overflows by ensuring that memory is managed consistently.


While Swift's design greatly reduces the risk of stack and heap overflows, it's not entirely immune to all types of vulnerabilities:

  • Logic Errors and Bugs: While Swift can prevent many types of memory errors, it cannot prevent logic errors or bugs that might lead to security vulnerabilities.

  • Interoperability with C: Swift can interoperate with C libraries, and also has a bridge to Objective-C. When Swift code calls into ObjC or C libraries, it is subjected to the same risks that C code is, including the possibility of buffer overflows, and other memory corruption bugs, if the C code is not written safely.

Swift's language features significantly mitigate the risk of stack and heap overflows, making it safer out of the box compared to languages that do not enforce these safety measures. However, developers need to be cautious when interfacing with C and be mindful of the code's overall architecture and error handling to maintain security.