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Bypass Jailbreak Detection

Jailbreak detection is usually easy to bypass using one of the following tools. However, there may be cases where these tools do not work if the detection routine is more advanced. If you encounter this issue, please reach out for assistance!

Check for Jailbreak Detection

Install the app on to a jailbroken device and attempt to run it. If jailbreak detection is implemented, then the app will either display a pop-up box explaining that it cannot run or may just crash. If it doesn't continue to run, it likely has detection built into it.

The three automated tools below should work to bypass most detections. Only one is needed, and it is recommended to try them in the order listed below:

Bypass with Liberty Lite

Liberty Lite is a general-purpose jailbreak detection bypass patch. Install it from Cydia (or other package managers) and try it out first due to its wide-range of detections.

  • Add the following repo to Cydia (or your package manager):

  • Once the repo is indexed, search for Liberty Lite (Beta) and install it

  • Open the Settings app, and scroll down to the Liberty Lite entry

  • Toggle the "Enable Liberty" button and tap on the "Block Jailbreak Detection" entry

  • Enable the app that has implemented the jailbreak detections

  • Completely kill the target application and relaunch it to see if the bypass worked

Bypass with iHide

iHide is a new(er) package that can be used as a general-purpose jailbreak detection bypass.

dpkg -i ihide.deb

iHide article:

Bypass with Objection

Objection has built-in jailbreak detection. This could be tricky to use though. If the app closes upon detection of a jailbreak, then you will not be able to hook it with Objection. Still, it is worth a shot.

% objection -g 'App Name' explore
Using USB device `iPhone`
Agent injected and responds ok!
(object)inject(ion) v1.9.6

Runtime Mobile Exploration
by: @leonjza from @sensepost on (iPhone: 14.0) [usb] ## ios jailbreak disable

(agent) Registering job 63ybpzbiuue. Type: ios-jailbreak-disable on (iPhone: 14.0) [usb] ##

Once the job is running, check to see if the detections have been bypassed.