Configure an Intercept Proxy
You will need to configure your device to use an intercept proxy such as Burp Suite.
Installing Burp's Certificate -- Android 10 and older
The way Android handles certificates changed in Android 7. By design, the system will not trust a user CA certificate. So, trying import the Burp certificate as a user will not work any longer. Now we must install the Burp CA certificate in the System certificate store for it to be trusted. This will require a rooted device:
Start Burp on your computer
Grab the Burp certificate using curl
curl -s --proxy -o cacert.der <http://burp/cert>
Convert the certificate to a DER format
openssl x509 -inform DER -in cacert.der -out cacert.pem
The Android device will expect the certificate as a hash of the certificate subject
cp cacert.der $(openssl x509 -inform PEM -subject_hash_old -in cacert.pem |head -1).0
Push the hashed version to the device
adb push $(openssl x509 -inform PEM -subject_hash_old -in cacert.pem |head -1).0 /sdcard/
Run these commands to move the certificate in place on the device
adb shell 'su -c mount -o rw,remount /system'
adb shell 'su -c mv /sdcard/*.0 /system/etc/security/cacerts'
adb shell 'su -c chmod 644 /system/etc/security/cacerts/${CERTNAME}'
adb shell 'su -c mount -o ro,remount /system'
adb shell 'su -c reboot'
Installing Burp's Certificate -- Android 11 or newer
Android 11 has further restricted the trusted CA certificates. The filesystem that holds the cacerts directory is now a tmpfs mount, so the procedure above will no longer work. The best way to get the Burp certificate trusted in the System certificate store is to use Magisk and the AlwaysTrustUserCertificates module.
Install the Magisk Module
Download the "Always Trust User Certificates" Magisk module from
Copy that zip file to the device using
adb push
adb push /sdcard/Download/
Open the Magisk manager app, and tap on Modules
Tap the button at the top to "Install from storage"
Tap the file
Once the module is flashed, reboot the device
Install the CA Certificate
Export the certificate from Burp, and copy it to the device
adb push burpca.crt /sdcard/Download/
On the device, Open the Settings app then go to Security Encryption & credentials Install a certificate CA certificate
Accept the big, scary "Your data won't be private" message by tapping on "Install anyway"
Tap on the burpca.crt file (or whatever you named yours)
The certificate will then be installed into the User certificate store, but we need to have it trusted in the System certificate store
On the User tab, verify that the PortSwigger certificate is installed
Reboot the device (this forces the module installed above to copy the certificates into the System certificate store
When the device comes back up, launch the Settings app again and go to Security Encryption & credentials Trusted credentials
On the System tab, scroll down to verify that the PortSwigger certificate is there
With this module enabled, your Burp certificate will be copied every time the device boots up