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User & Group Enumeration

TLDR: Get your user in the admin group (GID 20) if possible. If not possible, attempt to gain sudo access.

Enumerating Users

  • List all users on the system:

    dscl . list /Users
  • Display detailed information for a specific user:

    dscl . read /Users/<username>
  • Check currently logged-in users:

  • Identify the primary user (console session):

  • List all logged-in sessions:

  • Check for Special Users

    Identify if a user belongs to the admin group:

    dscl . read /Groups/admin GroupMembership

    Check if a user is part of the wheel group:

    dscl . read /Groups/wheel GroupMembership

Local Group Enumeration

  • List All Groups

    dscl . list /Groups
  • Display details of a specific group:

    dscl . read /Groups/<groupname>
  • Identify Special Groups

    admin: Users with administrative privileges.

    dscl . read /Groups/admin

    wheel: Typically used for superuser (root) access.

    dscl . read /Groups/wheel

    Enumerate all groups and their members:

    for group in $(dscl . list /Groups); do
    echo "Group: $group"
    dscl . read /Groups/$group GroupMembership
    • NOTE: some interesting groups to check out:
  • Enumerating Domain (Active Directory) Users and Groups

    Check if the system is bound to an Active Directory domain:

    dsconfigad -show

    Display all directory configurations:

    dscl . -readall /Config

Verify sudo privileges for a user:

Check for user's that have access to sudo:

sudo -l -U <username>

Find processes owned by a specific user:

ps -u <username>

Keychain and Passwords

  • List keychains and SSH keys that are accessible to the user.

    /usr/bin/security list-keychains | awk -F\" '{ print $2 }'

    find / -name "*.keychain" 2>/dev/null
  • Search for .ssh keys and configuration information:

    # SSH keys
    find /Users -name "id_*"

    # user config file (if present)
    [[ -f ${HOME}/.ssh/config ]] && cat ${HOME}/.ssh/config

    # authorized users keys (if present)
    [[ -f ${HOME}/.ssh/authorized_keys ]] && cat ${HOME}/.ssh/authorized_keys